Summer Solstice Tea Blend

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The Summer Solstice, also known as Midsummer, Meán Samhraidh, or Litha, is the longest day of the year. Traditionally it’s a day of celebration of fertility and purification through fire; we’re transitioning into the waning half of the year. It is known to be the most potent day of the year to gather one’s herbs, especially St. John’s Wort, the primary herb of the Summer Solstice. This tea is formulated with herbs that have special significance to this time of the year: St. John’s Wort, Elderflower, and Calendula. 

St. John’s Wort traditionally symbolises fire, and the balances of forces between light and dark. It banishes evil spirits and offers protection, but one must remember to always ask the plant’s permission before picking, and to gather with only their left hand, lest troubles befall the unlucky picker.

It is thought that if you sleep under an Elder tree on Midsummer’s eve, you will see the King of Faeries pass by. The flowers are often used in wish fulfilment spells, while the leaves can be strewn on the floor to bless a space. 

Calendula is known as “Summer’s bride” as it represents the Sun’s fire and life’s vitality. It can be used to make dreams come true, and to attract love and admiration. If picked on Midsummer at midday, they will have added potency.

You can incorporate this tea into whatever ceremonious practices you usually follow, be it journaling, casting intentions for the coming season, or simply spending the evening sitting round the fire with loved ones.


2 tsp Elderflowers

1 tsp St. Johns Wort flowers

1 tsp Calendula petals

To Prepare

  1. Mix all herbs together in a tea ball or muslin bag.

  2. Pour boiled water over herbs.

  3. Let steep for 3-5 minutes or as long as you like.

  4. Drink hot or allow to cool.